2015年8月7日 星期五


 香港·AR旅遊導覽 - 螢幕擷取畫面縮圖

 香港·AR旅遊導覽 - 螢幕擷取畫面縮圖   香港·AR旅遊導覽 - 螢幕擷取畫面縮圖   香港·AR旅遊導覽 - 螢幕擷取畫面縮圖

- 備有英文、繁體和簡體中文三個版本。
- 支援使用Android OS 4.0.3或以上及解析度為1080x1920的手機。
- 當按下「更新」欄目,即會連上互聯網,屆時會有或需收取國際漫遊費用的提示。使用Wi-Fi則不會收取國際漫遊費用。

香港·AR旅遊導覽 Google Play Store 連結



Agar.io Game 1

Play online with players around the world as you try to become the biggest cell of them all!
Control your tiny cell and eat other players to grow larger! But watch out: players bigger than you will be trying to make you their lunch. Survive and eat long enough to become the biggest cell in the game!
With new controls developed especially for touchscreens, agar.io offers the same addictive gameplay that millions have already enjoyed on PC. Play online in free-for-all action and use splitting, shrinking and dodging tactics to catch other players - or avoid them! Use a variety of special secret skins with the right username!

Agar.io Google Play Store 連結

2015年1月29日 星期四


天天過馬路 - screenshot

天天過馬路 - screenshot

天天過馬路 - screenshot

盡快來體驗Google Play上最火爆、超過2000萬玩家支持的游戲!
***2014年最佳*** -Touch Arcade
***2014年最佳 - 手游*** -VentureBeat
***2014年最佳 - 手游*** -GSMArena
《天天過馬路》是一款可以勾起妳童年記憶的經典“過馬路“小遊戲。 遊戲中玩家將控制各種可愛寵小怪在擁擠的街道橫穿馬路,每走一步記作一分,穿過更多的街道獲取更高分數。雖然遊戲玩法非常簡單,但想要取得高分則非常艱難,在面對變幻莫測的場景同時,還要接受內心的極限挑戰!在過馬路的沿途妳能收集金幣,隨著等級的提升,這些硬幣還能解鎖新的角色!有青蛙、山羊、僵屍、獨角獸、水豚、狗等等, 中文版本還最新添加神龍和呆萌熊貓等極具中國特色的萌寵,這些動物會發出粗魯搞笑的聲音,十分呆萌有趣!
● 看似簡單的操作,闖關得高分卻很艱難!
● 50+呆萌小怪獸加盟,各個身懷絕技!
● 全新中國風元素,''神龍&呆萌熊貓''驚現馬路邊!
● 無限闖關模式,瘋狂刷新排行大作戰!
● 千變萬化的場景,給妳不一樣的刺激冒險!
● 遊戲金幣收集,體驗解鎖萌寵的樂趣!
● 每日精美禮盒,定時收獲驚喜!

天天過馬路 Google Play Store 連結

2015年1月28日 星期三


Blendoku - screenshot

Blendoku - screenshot

Blendoku - screenshot

Blendoku - screenshot

The new MUST HAVE game for Android Phones and Tablets… players and critics are raving about this UNIQUE game!
"Blendoku stands out in a growing crowd of mobile puzzle games. The premise is unique and the game strikes a wonderful balance between simple gameplay and difficult challenges." - USAToday
*Over 5 million games played!*
Rated 5 stars all around the world!
Get it now and see what everyone's talking about!
A puzzle game that will challenge your ability to distinguish and arrange colors. The game is based on color principles and exercises taught in art schools around the world.
Blend your way to beating the world average, beating your personal best, or go for a perfect score for those perfectionists out there!
Play through hundreds of levels with a wide gamut of difficulty (all free!). The game is perfect for kids and adults, casual users and experienced gamers alike.
The game is a mix of sudoku, crossword puzzles, flow, and pantone all mix in one!

* 475 levels free with a wide gamut of difficulty
* Compare yourself to the rest of the world
* Perfect Badges for Perfectionists
* Simple, intuitive touch controls
* Addictive gameplay
* Unique color strategy
* *hidden* 'Negative Mode' increases total levels to 900+!
* Save level progress automatically!
* Check your score against the world leaderboards
* Simple Level pack +150 levels!
* Medium Level pack +150 levels!
"A brilliantly simple yet challengingly in-depth twist on classic Sudoku. An overwhelming number of levels with perfect gradation of difficulty. Multiple tracked stats and challenges available. Can play any level at any time and skip just as easily. IAPs are completely optional and actually beneficial; ads are barely noticeable." - Gamezebo

"Blendoku is such a unique and addictive experience" - Kotaku.com
"it's all fun, games and beautiful color." – Nissa Campbell
"Easy to play but with an increasing challenge, Blendoku is a simple and yet compelling way to burn through some spare time." – androidapps.com

"So addictive - 5 stars"
"Fun game! Absolutely love it! - 5 stars"
"We love this game! - 5 stars"
"The game is great. Never thought colors could be so fun. - 5 stars"

Blendoku Google Play Store 連結

2015年1月27日 星期二


HK2gather - screenshot

HK2gather - screenshot

HK2gather - screenshot

HK2gather - screenshot

HK2gather - screenshot

HK2gather - screenshot

HK2gather - screenshot

您可於app內建立互動邀請卡, 摯友只需於邀請訊息的超連結上輕輕一按,便可即時表態出席與否。眾人答覆狀態及出席者名單均一目了然。

Tags: 餐廳 , 美食 , 食評 , 著數 , 優惠 , 折扣 , 女神 , 巴士 , 博客 , 香港 , blog , restaurant , food , gathering , bus , kmb , coupon , jetso , hk2 , Hong Kong Together , roadshow
為食星蹤: 深雪 , Kit Mak , 糖妹 , 梁祖堯 , 美祺BB , 伊維特 , 楊天命 ...
HK2gather Google Play Store 連結

Air Control 2

Air Control 2 - screenshot

Air Control 2 - screenshot

Air Control 2 - screenshot

等待多時之後,擁有數百萬下載點擊量的Air Control續作終於來到!
★ 遍布世界的場景:從極熱的沙漠到冰冷的山峰
★ 多人協作游戲地圖:可以在同一個平板上和您的朋友一起玩
★ 多種不同的飛機和直升機
★ 齊柏林飛艇
★ 世界上最快的飛機:SR-71黑鳥
★ 避免熾熱風暴
★ 在飛機遇到無線電干擾時迅速決斷
★ 在令人上癮的游戲中玩上無數個小時
對Air Control的贊揚:
“…Android 平台上最充滿腎上腺素的游戲之一”—— Android Geek Tips
“您在尋找下一個讓人上癮的Android游戲麼?好吧,幸運的是您找到了Air Control!您的速度、敏捷性和預見性將在這個僥幸脫險、瘋狂著陸的游戲中得到檢驗。”—— Best Android Apps Review

Air Control 2 Google Play Store 連結